assalamualaikum n hi~
wargh...lama btul x update blog~
nothing to say sgt kot~
okies. the main thing here is...
yesterday i had lots of fun~
smlm join bidor half marathon~
seriusly, it was my 1st marathon....
it was so fun~
i gain lot of new experienced.hehe..
mmg kelakar.
okies..i went to bidor with afie one day earlier..
means on saturday...coz we dun wanna wake up early
morning to come down to bidor...(susah nak bgn kot) heh
so, we went there slumber gila~
y i say slumber, bcoz we r not planning it properly.
xda tmpt nak tdo suma..so, we decided to sleep at bidor mosque.
so, after we took our bib n t-shirt. we went to the mosque for
asar prayers. it's a new mosque n it's clean compared to dewan.
so, again.it makes us wanted to sleep there.
we had our dinner after solat there....
okies, nak dijadika cerita, after kitorg solat mgrb jemaah dgn org kmpg~
kitorg ditgur oleh seorg makcik 2 menanya kami dr mana.
then ckp la dr ipoh dtg sini nak tumpang tdo. haha.
then the makcik like pelik. biar btul nak tdo kat sini.
dua org pompuan jek plak 2.
mmg makcik2 2 riso la. in the end, kitog pun
ditumpangkan di rumah seorg opah yg duk sblh masjid~
baik gila opah 2. =) tq opah. we appreciate it a lot~
okies...sbb lena tdo umah opah. da tido 7 jam pun rasa kejap..
so, ahad pg 2 kitorg bgn la.
solat suma then g dewan~ wargh sakit prt kot.
1st time masuk marathon~ hu...
kitrg dilepaskan pkul 710.
mmg aku seperti biasa slow jog la. pnt gila
baru mcm 2km pun rasa da pnt. sbbnya...tnah x rata lgsg kot..mmg lgsg x.
arghhhhh....tension btul rata yg x rata~ hu
then, bila jumpa bukit lg la x jog...wargh...
mula2 x jog la. tpi lepas jumpa lelaki cina kaki cantek 2 da kew depan (muka2 runners yg berlatih kat stadium slalu)..
warghhh...aku pun mcm x ley jadi ni.
so, aku kat bukit trs la berlari~ hehe.
xsangka mampu jg~ then mula la nmpk amir, nav, sades, jt, nasuha, vila..
bila nmpk diorg da patah balik...lgi2 la aku lari...wargh...jauh ketinggalan sungguh~
then, cuba sehabis mungkin la...akhirnya smpi la dlm masa 1 jam 14 mins. mmg aku salute kat diri sendiri la...sbb dlm 10 km 2 ada bukit2 still dpt buat 1 jam 14mins.
salute la. coz selama ni ingt bley buat like 1 jam 20 mins jek. hehe.
then, dpt la medal...mmg best la. suka r. mmg best...
benda ni buat ak nak join lagi next marathon...
so, next marathon is sultan azlan syah run~ so, lets do our best~ weeee...=)
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