i sulk with him again. i juz dunno y.
he kept on saying he doesnt want to bother me.
by msging me always. hey, u always give the same reason.
hello, it's the only time we have kot.
lepas ni bz like a bee, jgn bising bila buat x taw.
n i make up my mind not to msg...
for long time. i will. i'll make sure myself i'll do dpat!
then, guess what happened next?
i myself are not certain what had happened...
i had a dream...n i dream of sumone.. it's the pharmacist back there
in seremban hospital. like gila la me.
hello it has been ages u forgotten about him, but tiba2
u dream of him...
hey, ni yg...haish....it's okay la...
6 months more to go...if dpt seremban...dapat la kerja dgn mr pharmacy!
yeay!!!!! =) hope everything will run smoothly..hehe...=)
u made my day...=)
*its only a dream*
"People, you will all return to God. The promise of God is true; He creates all things and (after their death) brings them to life again so that He may justly reward the righteously striving believers.." [Yunus:4]
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
alhamdulilah ya ALLAH...=)

syukur, akhirnya kami semua mbbs UNIKL...
semuanya lulus final exam phase 3B...
congrates korg...segala penat lelah kita dibalas
setimpal dgn usaha kita. =)
jgn lupa bahawa "ALLAH tidak akan mengubah nasib seseorg
itu selagi org tersebut tidak berubah.
officially, kita semua sudah jadi final year medical student.
oleh itu, mari tingkatkn usaha kita phase 4 nanti.
cuti 3 weeks ni, jgn la sia-siakan mcm 2 ja..=)
mari la kita sama2 usaha drpd awal.
6 bulan je tinggal kawan2. =)
kejap je 6 bulan 2...pejam celik da hbs da.
so, lets do our best.
cuti ni mari sama2 buka2 buku...
surely final year ni, semua lecturer akan garang kat kita.
surely ramai yg akan depress sgt2 nnt.
mari kita menyediakan mental kita sebelum masuk phase 4 ni.
until then... ketemu lagi 3 minggu akan dtg...=)
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