Tuesday, August 4, 2009

after a long vacation.....

"Gewd morning sir. I am n******, from Royal College of Medicine Perak," said a 3rd year clinical student..
"gewd morning"said the patient...
"I am here to ask u some Q n doing sum examination regarding 2 ur illness (padahal nak berlatih), may I, sir?" said the 3rd year student...

this scene is usually seen in the ward of RPBHI nowdays,n the answer that the patient will give is either saying yes if we the student came on morning, or no when they came in the evening (unfortunate for them, len kali dtg pagi2 if nak patient bg examine)...gelak jahat (wakakaka)

seriusly, this so called clinical years...really makes me so tired, confused...n also, makes me a bit miserable...hoho...if dr mra found out, im saying like this, surely she will say "go up, n jump down" or "u r not fit in this medic line, u can leave it n do sumthing else" hehe...if people who hear this for the 1st time, surely feel down GILEW...haha...but do not...it is dr mra's way to make the student to study more...she critisis us so dat, we will able to do it better at the other time....
i am the menti for dr mra for almost 2 years, n she is a helpful lecturer..n i love her so much till i remember everything dat she said...(the purpose i wrote this post was not to PUJI dr mra,okays??huhu)

da 4 minggu nas masuk clinical years...waaaaaaaaaaaa....MCM x cayer jek....huhu....
byk benda kena study....n byk benda confuse...byk benda kena ingt tapi x ingt2 walaupun da byk kali baca....haha...ntah lah....otak niew da byk masuk tapi blm bersusun lagi kot.....hehe...
komputer blm cukup panas lagi....n also rindu kat family kot...despite sumone is here too...but, neyh...it is not the same....my mummy n daddy xda replacement...=) when talking bout mak, tiap kali mak col mak akan tanya, how's study??? n i will say, byk benda la mak...lain la skrg...still coping...hehe....padahal, anak kat sini...kui3....coping tapi x penah rasa mcm cukup coping 2.....yeay, nasib baik la esok balik....weee....gewd....bley duk2 kat umah suma....kemas rumah mak...seronok2....ley makan sedap2 mak masak....huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........
bila ingat balik, da xda cuti lama....waaaaaaaaaaaaa.........i miss my pre-clinical years....ada byk masa utk cuti........waaaaaaaaaaaa....sengsara seyh...xbyk cuti daaa....huuuuu.....x best2....
tapi x pew la...if cuti jek, cemana nak jadi dr yg berhemah n reti diagnose penyakit patient..ek??
so, better kita sengsara skrg, drpd kita menghancurkn hidup patient kita....xmau la nas...berdosa di buatnya...huhu.....

bila ckap pasal blaja niew.....nas rasa...kita kena ikhlas...n blaja sungguh2....especially kita yg amik medic niew....serius nas ckp....jgn la korg sia-siakan masa clinical years niew...coz masa niew la kita nak develop apa yg penting to become a dr....the initial stage for us in becoming a GEWD DOCTOR....kita x blaja rajin2 maka, nanti in future...kita akn hanya dikenali sbgai dr nOT DOCTOR....tolong sgt-sgt la...jgn ponteng kelas....tolong sgt2 la jgn x tumpu kat kelas...tolong sgt2 la jgn main2 blaja..profesion kita melibatkan nyawa manusia lain....cemana korg rasa if ada ahli keluarga kita mati @ cacat sbb kesalahan dr yg x patut dibuat....cemana korg rasa???cuba korg pk....nas sendiri pun kena improve....lots of thing i have to study....either by reading @ doing practical....jgn la kita lakukan benda yg ley merosakkan reputasi profesion kita....tolong dan minta tolong yang amat sgt...kat semua medic student...pls....do b responsible....n ikhlas...
bila kita ikhlas nak tolong org, ALLAH akan permudahkan kerja kita berganda-ganda lagi...

it's like getting late...have 2 chow...n smbg study....
let's take the McLeod n start study CNS...yeay...
chayo2 nas....=) gambate....

salam n cheerz to all...=)

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