today, we had class sesion in hospital taiping, at mental health department..
there, we were suppose to be in the clinic with specialist of young & adolescent mental health illness.
so, i get to know some disorder, eg ADHD (ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER) n another gp get to know about autism...
when we discussed about ADHD with the specialist, we found out like one of our frens had the symptoms!!! n it was wan!!! haha, while the autism is nana...
oh rite, they like to play around...that's y we teased them...
btw, ADHD is a disorder where the child tends to do something to get attention of others especially their parents, when the parents scold them @ asked them not to do that-this things, they will tend to do more... haha... so, the only thing that the parents has to do is ignore them...but at the same time, they have to tell the children that is wrong doing 'those things', n also praised them when they do good deeds....haha.... i never thought that abnormal behaviour of children can also b caused by disorder...never think bout that... n I ALSO NEVER THOUGHT that PSYCHIATRIC has a big spectrum before this, n now when i am in this module i do appreciate it much, except that sometimes i felt that i am also going to be one of the schizo patient @ delusional disorder pt sometimes...haha...
k, till then...
i like psychiatric, but i am not sure to b specialist in it yet...haha...
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