“Ma, I wanna bring back mem back home..can i?”
Wow, dgr, tersentak jap…muka berubah jek rasa…terus hilang selera nak makan, n appears to b kepala ni pusing2, hati ya ALLAH….ALLAH jek yg tau…if x sbb ramai org kat keliling ni,(adik-beradik bdk yg bg statement di atas) aku da like, wow, menangis mcm gila kot… , tiba2 pk, sabar2…jgn buat malu..menangis kat sini…if org 2 xnak kat kita, xpayah la kita nak terhegeh2 kat org 2…btul x? so, seems like family yg berkenaan yg nak kami bersama but bukan the person yg bg statement atas..hehe…..so, selama ni btul la kot mr z ckp, nas kow ni erotomania la…haha….so terbukti la hipotesis kow mr z…mesti kow like bangga kan? Kui3….
Bila pk balik, bgs la dia bawa mem dr sana, coz dia kena la dgn org yg sesuai dgn dia, yg sama2 tujuaN DGn dia…=) alhamdulilah. Like pengakuan one of my fren yg lgi aku x sangka bley clash after lama bersama, aku redha kot.. I am happy for u…really happy… do, b happy there..n I hope she is the best 4 u….as long as she is better than me, I am grateful for that…
Nothing to say….that’s the end of us…
Pls2…accept the fact miss nas…=) maybe sumone out there is better for u…concentrate in field that u involved in…all the best to u urself…=)
Chill out buddy~
and be strong! Time will heal u. InsyaAllah :)
thanks buddy..
after thinking bout it, i think if u can do it...so, do i..
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